Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mild Freak Out?

SO, here we are, piddling away the last 7 hours of my time in PA before the flight to Dallas at 8AM, then D-town to Frankfurt at like 4PM on Tuesday, then to Madrid by 3PM on Wednesday.

Slight freakoutage occurring. What's going through my mind is "Wow. This is actually going to happen. No really. It is. In 2 days I will be in Europe."

For a few of you out there in cyberworld, traveling abroad may be as routine as eating cereal for breakfast. I've never been out of the country before. Never. Only the 50 yards at the Jersey Shore before the lifeguards yell at you to come back in. I mean, never.

As such, I'm nearly done packing, that's a record, never been done earlier than 1AM the night before a trip. That's a relief. I'm even under 75 pounds total. I packed, then unpacked and removed like 1/3 of the weight, then repacked. I think it will save me a lot of unneeded clutter in the future.

Okay I'm rambling, so I'll go to bed now (as if I'll be able to sleep for the next week!). Maybe I'll hit y'all up on Wednesday, if I'm not too jetlagged, whatever that makes you feel like...

Peace out my people.


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